Saturday, June 21, 2008

Today, my in-laws came and took the kids swimming.  Two years ago, Aaron was all about the water.  During the summer, I'd take him two or three times a week and he'd have so much fun.  Last year, we only went once and he screamed and cried the whole time.  This year, it started out the same.  Screaming and crying.  But after about thirty minutes of forcing him in the water, he was splashing and playing like his old self.
Zuri on the other hand hasn't allowed her near drowning last March (she fell in my Dad's pond) put a damper on her love for the water.  As soon as she saw the pool she was excited and couldn't wait to play.  Also, we got her counting to three and then jumping in.
A few pictures from the day:

Aaron waiting to get in the pool

Zuri with Grandpa

Aaron swimming

Zuri relaxing in her floaty

In other news:
Nick is past the halfway mark of his deployment to Bahrain. Today, the OIC (Officer in Charge) asked Nick to be grill master for the command BBQ they were having. This is a big deal to Nick, he loves to grill and getting to cook for 100 of his co-workers makes him super excited. He also got to meet Hinder last week (he has pictures, but the wi-fi signal isn't allowing us to file transfer)which was really exciting for him. He's enjoying what he does out there. It's a lot of work, but that's why he joined the Navy, to work. Also, he's lost over 30lbs so far. Sitting in over 100 degree weather all day will do that to you. Practically melts the fat right off you.

I leave tomorrow morning for Slidell. It's a 9 hour drive with two kids. Sounds like fun. I was originally only going to be gone for one week, but since my MIL is quitting her job on the 3rd, I figured I'd wait until then to come back. The plan is to drop Aaron off with her for two weeks, giving me a break of sorts and allowing him to have time as the 'only child', something that he's been missing since his sister came along.

That's all for now. I hope to stay caught up with my friends while I'm gone.


jae said...

I love the picture of Z in the floatie... she's so adorable in her swimsuit and looks confident!

I don't know if it's just me or not, but I think the formatting on your entry might be off a bit. Did you copy and paste it from MM maybe ? I'm missing half of the text on the bottom half of the entry :(

Alicia said...

I'm sure you, Aaron, and Zuri will enjoy the two weeks Aaron spends with your MIL. Has Zuri ever been away from Aaron for a long period of time before? I wonder how she'll like it.

Anonymous said...

That looks like so much fun! Brave little Zuri...can't let a little near-drowning spoil her fun. Have fun in Slidell. And good luck on that drive!

Christina said...

Nice pictures, looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Have fun on your trip.

Homeslice said...

have fun with Sixy and keep this durn bloggy updated!

Lweeks said...

Hey girl - glad I found you. Hmmm, it's about time for an update don't you think? How's it going at Six's? I want all the juicy details...