Saturday, June 28, 2008

I'm a red head!

Okay, not really.  But for a little while I am.
I got Andrea to dye my hair yesterday.  We took pictures, but they aren't a good representation of what my hair looks like.  Its actually much darker than the photo.  Nearly purple it's so red.  But I like it.  What do you think?



Anonymous said...

ooooh! I likey!!

Destiny said...

Your hair is about the same color as mine. A few years ago I did the red head thing but I have toned it down now. It is always fun to change things around from time to time.

Christina said...

Wow, that's gorgeous! Love it.

jae said...

It's hard to say without seeing it against your face. I demand you guys style it and take a picture for me!

I do like the color though.

Robbin said...

Ooooh! I like the color! And so shiny!