Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Day 24; Waiting list

I kept A from school today and took him with me and Z to the gym.  i get there and in the entrance to the kids' area, there is a line.  A waiting list to put them in child care!  I wait about 15min and get them in there, jazzed up to get on with my workout.

I stretch and get on the bike for my warm up.  About 8 min into it, the child care lady comes to get me, A is flipping out.  Since he's learned how to talk, we haven't had this issue, but something set him off.  And he was having a major melt down.  Screaming, trying to climb over the door, crying "Why did you leave me?" over and over again.  I have no clue what happened, but he reverted big time.  I got him calmed down and we went out to lunch.

I don't know how I'm going to make this work during the summer until my MIL can come and take him to her house.  School is over on Friday and MIL can't/won't take Aaron until mid-July.  That's nearly a month of trying to find something to keep him occupied at the child care center.

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