Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday Feast #195 (My #2)

Friday feast time.


What is the weather like today where you live?

Where I live, it's a high of 91 with chance of thunderstorms.  Were I'm staying, it's pretty much the same.  The TX/LA part of the gulf is weird like that, they have just about the same type of weather, even though it's a 9 hour drive through them.


On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how career-minded are you?

Right now?  A 0.  I'm a SAHM right now, so a career is the last thing on my mind.


What type of window coverings do you have in your home? Blinds, curtains, shutters, etc.?

We have blinds and curtains.  We live in an apartment and I hate the damn blinds.  The kids are always tearing them up.  Once we get a house, no more blinds.  Especially not in kids' rooms.

Main Course

Name something that instantly cheers you up.

The song 'Hey Ya'.  Sorry, but no one can be sad listening to that funky beat.  Oh, and kittens.  Kittens cheer me up.  My daughter screaming "mommie" as loud as she can because I know that means she wants a hug.  And my son, saying he wants a snuggle.

Well, that's 4 somethings.


How many times do you hit the snooze button on a typical morning?

Not at all.  During the school year, I set the alarm to right when I need to get up and as soon as it goes off, I jump up and take a shower.  During the summer, No alarm, so no snooze.


jenny said...

I have to tell you about a Hey Ya video on YouTube that instantly cheers me up. I should have put that song down on my blog, because it totally pumps me up, too.

I'm not sure if that'll work, but put in "Hey Ya Peanuts" and you'll find it. It's totally clean, video-wise! ;-) Have fun today!

ADMIN said...

i have to agree with you on the blinds part. that happens to our apartment many times because of my toddler.
nice feast in here:

Sara said...

Black out blinds are an awesome thing. And I am damn jealous of your alarm clock skills. Mine gets hit daily, more than once.