Monday, July 7, 2008

What? It's been 4 whole days?

It's been about 5 days since I've written anything.  At first, I was because I was busy, then, Thursday afternoon, Andrea's neighbor was working on their back yard and somehow took out the whole neighborhood's internet.  So besides bootlegging off of local businesses, we were internet-(and CABLE!!)-less for the rest of my time there.
I'm back in Corpus with Andrea.  And now able to give a little bit of an update...

Wednesday night, we had to bring some paperwork and medicine to Andrea's uncle.  He lives in Mississippi.  Before we could go, we had to drive to her mother's house on the other side of N.O. and pick up some things.  of course, we get distracted in N.O. and try to fine Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's house.  It's somewhere in the French Quarter and Andrea even knew the street name.  We cruised it twice and could not find a house that was celeb. worthy.  We ended up asking and found out the cross street, but by then, we had given up and went to find Marie Laveau's grave.  Andrea's husband gave us a graveyard name that he found on the internet, but we couldn't find it.  Instead, we decided to walk through a random graveyard and take pictures of the grave-sites.  Right before dark.  It was extremely creepy and I noticed on our return walk, we were much faster and much quieter than when we first came through.

We were going to return to N.O. on Friday with a google map of both places, but when we found out there was going to be a festival downtown and many streets were to be roped off, we changed our minds.  N.O. is hard enough to navigate when all the streets are open, we'd probably drive into the river if we tried.  Instead, we had a BBQ at her house and made lots of food.  Once it got dark, we took the kids out front and shot fireworks.  It was Aaron and my first time playing with them.  I did hold a sparkler, so be proud.  We only had one mishap, one of the fireworks miss-fired and went sideways instead of up, right at us.  We all screamed, the kids ran but no one was hurt.  After a few moments, even Aaron was ready to light more.

Saturday was our driving day.  We got a horribly late start because Andrea's husband is trying out a new job and he had to work until 5.  Even with a lunch stop and many "I have to go POOP"s from Aaron, we managed to get to my in-laws in nine hours.

Sunday, we all work up and went out to breakfast with Nick's grandparents.  It's a tradition.  Every Sunday, wake up early, go to Rolando's for breakfast tacos and then go shopping.  because Andrea had never been to San Antonio, we took her to The Market downtown.  It's basically a fancy flea market.  You can get anything there and it's a lot of fun to look around and see all the pretty things from Mexico.  
After shopping, Andrea, Zuri and I left for Corpus.  Aaron will be staying with my in-laws for two weeks to give me a break and he can play in their yard, which we don't have.  On the way down, we stopped to take a photo of the Ghostbuster's car.  Yes, a car that looks just like the car from the movie.  The house it's in front of seems to be abandoned and also has a hearse in front of it, but it's there, right off I-37.  The good news for me, Andrea was just as excited to see it as I was and got out to take the pictures while I sat with the car running just incase the owner of the house really was there and was a crazy with a gun.

When we got to my house, I gave Andrea the grand tour and instead of going to bed like we should (only 3-4 hours of sleep a night for the past week) we got the brilliant idea to clean out all my closets.  Four bags for Goodwill and three trash bags later, I now have very clean closets. 

This morning, we woke up and went shopping then out to lunch at Jason's Deli.  While sitting there eating our GIANT spuds we made plans on how to better organize my house.  We bought shelves, baskets, a filing cabinet and plastic bins.  Since about two this afternoon, we've been hanging shelves, re-arranging sofas, moving pictures and cleaning out my computer desk.  It's been six hours and my house looks crazy good.  At first I felt guilty for Andrea helping me do all this around my house.  But it turns out she really enjoys sorting through other's junk and getting free stuff out of it.  Kinda like yard sale shopping without spending any money.  As of now, I've given her a computer, an alarm clock, PS2 games for her kids, bunches of clothes and other little random stuff.
Tomorrow, we plan on making wall art for the new blank wall in my living room.  I'm thinking of going to Hobby Lobby, cutting fabric and mounting it to a wooden frame I'll make.  I'm so picky about art, this might be the only way I can find something I like.


Homeslice said...

am i still allowed to comment? :-)

sounds like a lot of fun. loved the graveyard pics. also i'm kinda like andrea - i enjoy organizing other people (but not myself). it's fun when it is someone else's stuff. i'm nerdy like that. glad you are having fun AND getting stuff done.

Mimi said...

Wow! I'm tired just reading all that!

What great pictures... and is that clown in the graveyard a bit eerie....

And if you ever get the urge to "organize" again, come to my house -- or my mom's (but that will keep you busy for at least a year)....

Christina said...

wow, those graveyard pictures are amazing! Totally creepy and beautiful at the same time.

Glad to hear you guys are still having fun and that there have been no crazy guy incidents over the last few days!

Sara said...

So... what you're saying is... you guys have been a bit busy huh? My closets are open to you. Anytime, really.

Glad you got home safely and hope you two have a blast only having one child between you. How nice is that?!

Anonymous said... sounds like you guys are having so much fun! What adventures you get into! You would have NEVER talked me into that graveyard thing. Not in a million years~
Good job on the's always easier with good company.

Dawn said...

Hey Nood! Got your link from MM! BTW- MM is really weird without you around! But, the whole no electricity thing explains it!

I'm seriously jealous you have a friend that WANTS to help you clean and organize! Andrea is definitely a keeper!!

Glad you all are having such a great time together. :)