Saturday, July 26, 2008

ICK. afghan?

Yay, I'm finally feeling 'human' again.  Last night was the first time in a few meals that I've eaten something besides crackers.  I've been hanging on the couch, or at the computer, crocheting while I wait to no longer be sick.  
What have I been crocheting?  Why, the ugliest afghan ever known to man.  Basically, I've taken all the crappy scrap yarn that I have and am weaving it into a fugly afghan.  
PhotobucketOkay, it doesn't look THAT bad yet, but it'll get worse.  This is only the center strip. I'm out of the green and the yellow.  I think the next two stripes will be red, brown, pink, blue, rainbow and maybe a different yellow if I have enough.  It's for the kids.  Yep, it's pretty ugly so far and it'll only get worse, but at least I won't have the rubbermaid container full of yarn anymore.  It'll all be woven in a giant, ugly square and hanging off the back of my couch.
It's good practice.  Nick's best friend is having a baby in Oct (the due date is actually Z's birthday) and I've been 'tricked' into making an afghan for Andrea.  Since I haven't finished a project in about 3 years, I need something to re-teach me.  It's actually been going pretty good.  Reading the pattern has been hard, but if I take it slow and write it out long-hand, it actually makes sense.  Also, by my count, I've only dropped 4 stitches.  Which is good, earlier attempts that I've tried have had a dropped stitch a row, which makes my squares look like triangles.
Nick has discovered that saying the word 'yarn' out loud is fun.  So when we're on the computer together, talking over the internet, I'll hear him say 'Yarn' every once in a while.  He's like, twelve or something.
Speaking of Nick, he got an offer to go TFO (temporary flight orders).  Basically, he'll be flying along when they're using his equipment to catch any issues before they hit the ground.  Kinda in-flight troubleshooting.  He's excited about it.  It means he gets to go to school in P.cola FLA (which he loved last time he was there) and gets to hang out with the aircrew in flight suits.  Also means more pay if he meets monthly flight hour requirements, but that's way down the road.  He has to pass the classes first.


Christine said...

I think it looks great! Who cares about the the HECK do you have patience for that while puking??? That's talent!

Lisa said...

LOL, First, i wasn't puking that bad. It was mostly I felt sick if I smelled food and when I walked around too much. Thursday night, the thought of making the kids dinner made me feel so sick, I actually drove to BK and bought them food. Set it on the table and let Aaron hand it out while I sat on the bathroom floor.
I've been working on this since last Sat, so all this was not done in the last two days. I don't have that mad of skillz.

Homeslice said...

i don't think it's ugly at all. i'm wishing i could curl up under it right about now! (i'm cold)

great news for nick - and it sounds fun!

Dawn said...

Glad you're feeling better.

And, so far, I'm really impressed with the afghan!! I just think you totally ROCK that you can do that! LOL

Courtney is learning how right now. Maybe someday she will be able to teach me! Right now I don't have time to do it btwn taking care of Camryn, the house, MM, my blog and reading the plum series! LOL That leaves ZERO extra time!

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't think it's ugly. It reminds me of Sesame Street for some reason, but I wouldn't call it ugly. Now once the rainbow and pink are added, then maybe it'll be ugly, lol! Sorry you've been sick. Wish I was there to help you:(
Okay, so when Nick goes to Pensacola, if he drives, you should totally ride with him so he can drop you off here!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, cool! Look! I did a comment, YAY!
Now that I've figured it out, I'm going to have to go back and comment on all your shit!