Homeslice tagged me in her blog to do this 'quirky meme' I love a good meme, so I'll give it a try!
* Link to the person who tagged you.
* Mention the rules.
* Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself.
* Tag six other bloggers by linking to them.
* Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment to let them know that they’ve been tagged.
1) I really hate the shape of my toes. I've considered getting surgery to correct the look of them. It's something I kinda obsess over. Some of them look like ET's head and neck when he extends it.
2) I can't turn down free stuff. If my mother in law is getting rid of something and offers it to me, I have to take it. I know I may never use it, but I'll hold onto it for a few months to years then give it to Goodwill.
3) I sometimes buy the books of 'fill it ins' just to do the number ones. Usually, they are 6 number puzzles in the whole book and I'll do those then throw the book away. It's the same for crossword puzzle books, I only do the ones that take up two pages.
4) I like all my nails to be the same length. If one of them breaks, I'll cut them all down the same size. It drives me crazy to see someone with one long nail and the rest short.
5) I have a writing implement obsession. When I go to places like Staples and Office Depot, I actually get a giddy, high feeling over the pens and pencils. Sometimes, I even giggle with glee because I can't wait to buy something.
6) I feel compelled to buy things in pink. Just things for myself. Purses, wallets, pens, hair clips, if it's in pink, I have to get it in pink. My last three cell phones have been pink and I've actually not bought one that I wanted just because they didn't make it in pink.
And I shall now tag:
(sorry if any of you have been tagged before, but since you haven't done it yet, I'm tagging you on mine)
awesome! thanks for playing :-)
I like pink too!!!!
I am playing along now! :)
I'm cracking up at you giggling with glee over pens and pencils!! Too funny!!
Okay, I'll play along! :)
You are a quirky chick aren't you?? Glee over pens and Thanks - this was a fun read. Now I'll try to follow the rules.
I totally agree with the nails being the same size. Makes me feel off balance it they're not. And not to make you jealous, but I'm typing this on my PINK computer! Found you through Dawn and will have to visit again. Visit me over at
Agggh! I really can't stand different length nails on myself either. Actually what disgusts me are guys with long pinky nails. That is just soooo foul.
I totally agree about the nails, I hate that! I always cut mine when they start to get long anyway, in anticipation that one will break and annoy me. Head 'em off at the pass, so to speak!
Your pen glee made me giggle, I could use your help. We have exactly one pen in our house at the moment and all 4 of us fight over control of it.
Okay, time for a new post chicky! I'm having withdrawls!
Plus, you have to prove how cool you are because I just bestowed a really cool award to you on my blog! EVERYONE (okay, maybe not everyone) is going to be coming to check you out!
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