I did good. I saw a few mommies crying after dropping of their kids, but I managed to keep it together. Aaron had an okay first few days, the second was hard on the teacher because she wasn't used to Aaron's 'spirit' and actually brought up putting him into pre-K this year because he's not adjusted. I shot that down, considering he's either at or above the level of the rest of the kids in his class, pre-K would hold him back and make him hate school even more. Together we decided we'd get some evaluations done and that we'd wait to do anything considering they're going to start a new Kindergarden class because all the current ones have 24-25 students and there's only one teacher.
The first two days were bad because I had no idea how much lunch was (they didn't send the information home until the first day... something that should have been given out at registration), I had no idea when school started and when it ended, I didn't even know how the drop off stuff works. But I found out lunch is $1.30 (HOLY CRAP!), school was from 8 to 3 and the drop off is a free for all except for kindergarden and pre-k, we're expected to walk our kids in, they're not allowed to go anywhere without an adult (a plan I like).
So, here are a few pictures of Aaron on his first day. And yes, they do have 'uniforms', royal blue or hunter green polos, jeans only with a 5 pocket maximum, shirts tucked in, belts, and shoes can't be open toed, without a back or a combination of red and black. Yeah, it's kinda weird.
Aaron on the couch, trying to hide:
Letting me take a full picture after fighting me:
In the car:
In class. Yes, he sucks his thumb and plays with his hair:
yeah, that's a lot of kids for one teacher! aaron looked cute in his
"uniform". i actually think uniforms are a good idea. especially after the hunk of cash i just laid out for lily's fall wardrobe.
Fun and scary times for Aaron and Mom. He looks so scared in the car! Love the school picture. He'll be fine. I can't believe so many kids per teacher!
That is such a big group of kids. Hopefully after labor day they will open another kindergarten class and spread them out a little. I think that is the plan here as well. I have a friend who is teaching kindergarten this year and they have about 23-24 in class. Aye!! When I taught kdg. I had 18 and that was A LOT! The perfect size would be 16 - but that isn't going to happen.
The picture of him sucking his thumb and twirling his hair reminds me of how my brother looked until he was in the THIRD grade! LOL He still 'twitches' his hair to this day. He gave up thumb sucking in the third grade for a rabbit. LOL 2 weeks later the rabbit got loose and ran away. We were afraid he'd go back to sucking but he didn't.
I'm glad it has all worked out okay.
Our school lunches are $2 a day. So $1.30 sounds great to me! LOL
The first week is so hard for everyone. It will get easier.
My dd's school has a "boo-hoo breakfast" for the kindergarten parents. They get to have coffee and rolls in the office while the kids go off down the hall to class.
We also have uniforms. Ours are red, white or navy tops ( plain no logos or designs) and khaki or navy bottoms (NO DENIM). I really like it a lot. The kids have some choices but still look so much better than the sloppy stuff we used to see. I really believe it does effect their behavior and success.
Our school lunches went from 1.75 last year to $2 this year. Still less than a Happy Meal.
He looks so handsome and grown up! I love the picture in the car, his expression is so adorable.
As for school 8-3 is long and 24-25 kids in a class is WAY too much for KG. They really need to get a new teacher in there. I think 15-18 is about right, but that's just me. It sucks about the bus too, I'm starting to fear that they may have dropped Saskia from our bus route and I'm kind of freaking because I can't get ahold of anyone in the DOT. I can't imagine having to drive her myself every day, you have my sympathy!
PS- Did I tell you I got a new job? That's why I haven't been around much. I miss you though!
Ahhhh...poor little guy. I know he was scared, but soon he will love it. (And, "they" say you will, too, Mom!)
P.S. Playing with your hair is cool b/c I do it!
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