I stole this Couples Survey from Homeslice:
[2] How long have you been together? Since about May of 2002
[3] How long did you know each other before you started dating? Only a few weeks. We worked together and he asked me out after a while.
[4] Who asked whom out? He asked me out. Wait, I might have told him he could take me out... I can't remember.
[5] How old are each of you? He's 26 and I'm 26.
[6] What are your astrological signs? Aries and Virgo (I had to look his up, I don't remember all the signs)
[7] When was your first kiss? I honestly can't remember. I don't keep track of that sort of thing
[8] Who’s mother do you see the most? Right now, his, but before we moved to TX we were seeing mine at least once a month.
[9]Who’s father? Always his. My dad has never come to visit us.
[10] Do you have any children together? two
[11] What about pets? No, pets run away. It's because of me.
[12] Do you have a song? All Along the Watchtower. It was the first song that played on the radio when we got out of the court house after getting married.
[13] Which bill is the hardest on you as a couple? The electric. Mostly because we kinda argue over it. I want to conserve electric by cutting the a/c off more, but he's all about the comfort.
[14] Who pays the bills? I write the checks, it comes out of our bank account, but he's the one with the drive.
[15] Who drives and who sits shotgun? Depends on our mood and where we're going. If we're in S.A., he drives. I get lost and freaked out in big cities. I drive around CC a lot though.
[16] Did you go to the same school? Not the same High School, but we did go to the same 'A' school in the Navy, at the same time but didn't know each other then. We even had a few mutual friends, just never met each other.
[17] Are you from the same hometown? No, I'm S.C. and he's T.X.
[18] Do you live in the same town now? Right now? No. He lives in Bahrain and I live in the US, so we're not even in the same country.
[19] Who is the smartest? Depends on what we're talking about. I think we're about equal though. Usually we scored the same on tests we took together in the military.
[20] Who is the most sensitive? I think we're probably equal. I show it more often, but he's a softy. He just likes to try and hide it.
[21] Where do you eat out at most as a couple? As a couple? No where. We take the kids to just about everywhere we go.
[22] Where do you shop the most as a couple? HEB, it's so romantic in the dairy aisle.
[23] Where is the furthest you have traveled as a couple? Dallas TX from CC Tx. But, in a work trip while we were dating we both got sent to Key West FLA at the same time. That was pretty cool... A paid vacation with a little work during the nights.
[24] Who has the best group of friends? Hmmm, IDK. He has more friends than I but I'm closer to my few friends than he is to his
[25] Who has the craziest exes? Him. Well, I think anyone who calls a pregnant woman and asks for her man is insane.
[26] Who has the worst temper? We're equal on that.
[27] Who does the cooking? I cook and bake, he grills. I probably do the most cooking, but usually when he cooks it's for hours at a time slow grilling something, so it probably evens out in the end.
[28] Who is more social? Me. Though, he's better at socializing than I am. We go some where and he schmoozes better than I do, but I spend more time in the long run talking to the friends I already have.
[29] Who is the neat-freak? I think it depends on what you're talking about us cleaning. If it's keeping up with the laundry and folding it, he is. I'm more obsessed with organizing everything. When we get ready to clean really good, I'm always the one getting told to 'sit down, it's good enough'
[30] Who is the most affectionate? He is
[31] Who is the most stubborn? He is.
[32] Who hogs the bed? He does... butthead.
[33] Who wakes up earlier? He does, but only be cause he works and I don't
[34] Where was your first date? Bennigans
[35] Who said I Love You first? I can't remember.
[36] Who has the bigger family? I do, but he's closer to his family than I am to mine.
[37] Do you give/get flowers often? I never give flowers, but he sends them to me sometimes for no reason, but I'll also not get them when I expect them, like for birthdays and anniversaries. He likes to keep me guessing.
[38] How do you spend the holidays? Lately with his family because they're so close, but we're supposed to move in the next year, so who knows.
[39] Do you have cute little names for each other? Yeah, a few. Well, I have them for him. I used to call him 'bunny' and 'applejacks'. Don't ask. It's stupid.
awww, your little applejacks! and i had no idea your middle name was "marie". were your parents fans of elvis perchance???
These were great. As always it's fun learning more about you. :)
I'm not sure what's up with my blog today but it isn't updating. Grrr!1
These are such good questions! Thanks for the comment on my wordless wednesday tomatoes!
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