Saturday, November 1, 2008

Friday we took Aaron to the doctor for his ADHD evaluation.  The doctor had given the teacher and me a form each to fill out.  Lots of checklists and questions.  On my checklist, out of 9, he scored 9 in both hyper activity and attention deficit.  You need a 7 to qualify.  On the teacher's form, he scored a 5 on attention and a 6 on hyper activity.  Our Ped. decided that the scores were qualifying enough.  She asked Nick and me how we wanted to handle it.  We asked her what her recommendations were and she said that in most cases, medication and counseling worked best.  I know most parents won't go to meds except as a last resort, but I trust this Ped.  She's the first doctor to listen me with my concerns over Aaron's weight and not assume I'm the one who was doing something wrong and also was the first Ped to listen and suggest he needed speech therapy.  She's always had his best interest in mind.  So we did the meds.  His first time of taking them was this morning.  The Ped said it could take a few days to start showing improvement, but today has been a very rare day.  Aaron has been calm, he's been able to focus, he hasn't gotten angry, he hasn't thrown a fit.  We were at IHop this morning when it took effect.  One minute he was bouncing around, kicking the seat, fidgeting and just being 'Aaron'.  The next, he was calmly coloring.  He ate most of his breakfast, didn't have a fit over the syrup situation and when his milk ran out, instead of getting upset over getting water, he drank it and thanked the waitress.  It was amazing.
Thursday I got called to Aaron's school for him biting a girl at PE.  He's been in a fight before but that was after another boy pushed him down.  This time it was unprovoked.  He was dismissed from school early.  There was a fall festival that night and I kept him from that.  He was also told he wasn't going trick or treating, but after the diagnosis from the Ped, I felt bad keeping him from going.  
So Friday night, Aaron, Zuri and I went trick or treating for the first time together.  Since we live in apartments, there isn't much going on here.  We went to the next neighborhood over and the kids made out like bandits.  We went down two streets and probably only went to 15 houses and their buckets were full.  We only went for 45 minutes and they got a whole bucket of the good stuff.  Toys, non-generic candy, fun-sized candy bars, halloween themed cups and pencils.  It was awesome.  Aaron loved ringing doorbells and Zuri spent most of the night hiding behind me.  The homeowners were so nice and would tell Aaron and Zuri how cute they were.  I felt weird being in a different neighborhood, but only one person asked where we were from and when I told her about our apartment complex and this being the first year for the kids, she gave two more handfuls.  Also, some college kids outside one of the houses stopped up and asked if they could take a picture of the kids because they were so cute.  It was so much fun for them.
After we took the kids, I went to a party that my gym instructor was having.  I see these people everyday in Zumba, at the kid's club or in another class but this was our first interaction.  Everyone was so nice, the food was awesome and we had a lot of fun.  It was my first Halloween party since I was in middle school.  We were there for over 4 hours and after people started getting ready to go to clubs but I was so tired, I went home instead.  I'm almost wishing we'd stay here until next Halloween so I can go to another party with the gym group, but that's not going to happen.  Nick's able to pick out orders in May of '09 so we could be moving as early as June.
And now, some pictures from my Halloween

Me and the kids
Mischelle and I
Everyone at the party


4 Lettre Words said...

Looks like a great party! Love the costume!!

Dawn said...

Lisa, I'm so happy you are getting some help with Aaron. I know it can be very discouraging. But, I want you to know you are helping him tons by not being in denial. I can't tell you how many parents are just in plain denial when it comes to their kids. The sad thing is is that it isn't fair to the child.

A couple of things to remember (just in case you didn't know) is that sometimes it takes a few different medications or combination of medications to get the desired affect. And, I know he struggles with low weight and stimulants do tend to make kids lose weight. Just be prepared for him to be hungry in the evenings when the medication wears off. Courtney does most of her eating right before bed. I try to be very accomodating with this.

On to the other stuff.... you all looked awesome in your costumes!!! I'm so happy you have made some new friends. It really does make a difference! You are looking pretty darn hot! :)

ChefDruck said...

What a great mask!

PitBullMom said...

Hey Lisa!!! I'm bookmarking your blog so I can keep in touch w/you!!!

Miss you and am glad to hear things are going okay -- hope little A gets straightened out and you get some peace of mind!


Christina said...

It sounds like you had a fabulous Halloween, I'm thrilled for you and the kids. And it's wonderful that Aaron has such a great ped (and great mom I might add!) looking out for him. Hope it all goes brilliantly with the meds.

The Rose Queen said...

a 'mild' bbc mommy here checking out your blog! I'll have a lot to read to catch up!!!! So don't post anything til I am done, lol!